What brand do you think of for toilet paper?
When asked what comes to mind for each of the generic products, you might be surprised at what images come to mind. While I realize many of the advertising references I make will fall flat when it comes to the younger readers, it is simply my way of paying homage to the greats of advertising that came before us, no matter how silly they seem now. After all, where would advertising be with David Ogilvy, the Advertising Man? Oh, and we can’t forget my fictional favorite ad guy, Darrin Stevens…hmmm, I think that was Samantha that came up with the best advertising campaigns.
Product life cycle is mentioned for those like myself that are interested in the products from a marketing perspective as well as a love of advertising.
Yogurt: Dannon
I remember a commercial from way back featuring men that lived to be over a hundred and their longevity was attributed to eating Dannon yogurt. Yes, I am dating myself as this ad ran in the 1970’s. Personally, I don’t eat yogurt, so I’m worried they may be right. I guess I better put down that rice cake and grab a cup of Dannon yogurt; the clock is ticking.
Check out the commercial on You Tube:
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Soup: Campbell’s
Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup and Tomato soup have been a staple in my home since childhood. Grilled Cheese and Tomato soup…yum.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Mattresses: Sealy
I’m not sure why Sealy is what stuck out in my mind especially because I’m partial to the sheep from Serta. I think I mixed them up because I was envisioning the sheep when thinking of Serta. Yes, that is what sticks out in my mind when thinking of mattresses, sheep.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Crayons: Crayola
Who among us doesn’t have memories associated with the smell of crayons? For a quick trip back to your childhood just take a whiff. While not the only brand of crayon out there, they are the only brand that I use. Well, other than a few times I was shamelessly led astray by the lower price of RoseArt crayons that is.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Electric Razors:
I don’t use electric razors so this one was lost on me. No brands came to mind unless you count the Epilady. I thought of this one after trying to recall ever using an electric razor. And then it happened; my legs remembered and they instantly recoiled in an effort to protect themselves. It was a small hand held torture device marketed to woman back in the 80’s that promised smooth legs. I think part of the memory loss was caused from buying into their advertising and the subsequent trauma from using their product.
Product Life Cycle: Decline: For this particular brand, I believe it’s already done. They do have other updated variations in their line now.
Ballpoint pens: Bic
Bic pens are a staple of back to school purchases for me. It’s not a preferred pen. They have simply been a back to school staple long as I’ve been buying school supplies. They have always just been something I buy with little thought. It’s like the marshmallow bunnies in Easter baskets, nobody eats them, but they’re part of the Easter basket tradition.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Computer manufacturers: Apple
Yes, I am one of them. I prefer Apple products over other computer brands so they are the first to come to mind. I use Apple computers every day in my work and when I’m mindlessly surfing the web or wasting blocks of time on Facebook. They have enmeshed themselves into my everyday life and I think I may experience withdraw if you were to take them away.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Toilet paper: Charmin
Well, I don’t use Charmin, but they have a really cute bear that uses Charmin on his bottom. So once again I am sucked in by the use of adorable animals in advertising. For Charmin, this has not always been the draw. I am of the generation of Mr. Whipple. Charmin has been advertising it’s product in my home since I was old enough to know that you shouldn’t squeeze the Charmin or a very stern Mr. Whipple would stare at you over those glasses and run you out of his store, only to later caress his cheek with a swatch of the soft toilet tissue.
Product Life Cycle: Maturity
Mr. Whipple in action:
Memorable and Impactful Advertising
As you can see the products mentioned are memorable and their ad campaigns impacted at least me in some way or another. How memorable are your ad campaigns for the products your company offers? Will anyone remember them in twenty years, or even ten years?
Try playing the memory game yourself, although now my answers may have tainted yours, you might still enjoy it!
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